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for Election Commissioners

Anticipated Total Time: 60 mins
6 Videos and Online Test Upon Completion

Training may be paused.

You will need to PRINT a HARD COPY of the certificate of completion so PLEASE have printing ability ready
before you begin the training.





To submit a copy of your certificate,
choose ONE of the following:

Fax:   337-437-3804  (Attn: Election Dept)

Mail: Election Dept , PO BOX 1030, Lake Charles, LA 70602

Scan and Email** 

(**Do NOT email to email address listed in the online training directory.**) 

If further information is required please contact one of our
Co-Directors of Elections

                          Jean Ann East                                                     Princella Ryan

                     337-437-3558 Ext 123                                     337-437-3558 Ext 144


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